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Английский язык, Экзамен, 2-й семестр, Билет №1

ID: 142722
Дата закачки: 29 Апреля 2014
Продавец: Mixhot (Напишите, если есть вопросы)
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Тип работы: Работа Экзаменационная
Форматы файлов: Microsoft Word
Сдано в учебном заведении: СибГУТИ

Билет №1

Задание I. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык. Обратите внимание на времена английского глагола, неличные формы глагола (причастие I, II, инфинитив).

1. As soon as we had installed the new line, productivity went up.
2. Economic theory indicates that, under monopoly, output will be lower and price will be higher than would be the case under perfect competition.
3. He is attending a meeting now.
4. Industries producing steel, paper and chemicals require very large quantities of water and tend to be found near rivers.
5. With increasing numbers entering the working population, expanding industries will have little trouble in recruiting labour.
6. In advanced capitalist societies, advertising is a powerful instrument affecting de-mand in many markets.

Задание II. Переведите текст.

The Entrepreneur
As mentioned earlier, economists sometimes identify a forth factor of production – enterprise. It is held that, left to themselves, land, labour, and capital will not produce any-thing. There must be some person or persons, who will organize these three factors so that production take place. Someone must goods take the decisions (a) what to produce (i.e. the type of good or service and the quantity), (b) how to produce (i.e. the methods of produc-tion); (c) where to pro¬duce (i.e. the location of the enterprise).
Whoever takes the decisions, and the consequent risks, is known as the entrepre-neur. There is no really suitable English word to describe such a person, perhaps ‘enter-pris¬er’ is the nearest we can get. The entrepreneur is the person who undertakes production with a view to profit. In a capi¬talist society, production would not take place unless some-one was prepared to buy and organize economic resources for production on the basis of expected profit.
Organisation, management and risk-bearing – these are the entrepreneurial func-tions. In the one-person busi¬ness, they are clearly all carried out by the sole proprietor. In the large company, the functions of the entrepreneur are shared, risk bearing is the role of the shareholders; manage¬ment is the function of the directors.

Комментарии: Уважаемый слушатель, дистанционного обучения,
Оценена Ваша работа по предмету: Английский язык (2 сем.)
Вид работы: Экзамен
Дата оценки: 11.02.2014
Рецензия:Уважаемый ***** , поздравляю Вас с успешной сдачей экзамена и желаю Вам дальнейших успехов в учебе.

Загороднова Ирина Аркадьевна

Размер файла: 50,5 Кбайт
Фаил: Microsoft Word (.doc)


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  Cодержание / Английский язык / Английский язык, Экзамен, 2-й семестр, Билет №1
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