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Иностранный язык (английский) Зачет

ID: 210979
Дата закачки: 28 Мая 2020
Продавец: nesterenkovlad1995 (Напишите, если есть вопросы)
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Тип работы: Работа Зачетная
Сдано в учебном заведении: ДО СИБГУТИ

Being offered a promotion is typically cause for celebration. Apart to higher pay and maybe a better parking spot, it is a recognition of one’s skill and dedication. But a promotion can bring its own headaches—especially for engineers. In addition to universal challenges, such as when you become the boss of friends (or rivals), the very skills that land an engineer the promotion may become a stumbling block in the new position.
Engineers pride themselves on the depth of their detailed technical expertise, and they distinguish themselves on the strength of the performance of the things they create. Once you become a manager, however, so-called soft skills become essential. You are evaluated in large part on the performance and creations of others. You will find yourself having to restrain yourself to wading in and fixing a problem that rightly belongs to a subordinate. And then there’s the flip side of that last problem—having to accept that sooner or later your technical knowledge of some domain will be outstripped by someone working under you.
“People have a lot of trouble letting go,” says Pablo Herrero, head of RF front-end systems for Intel and the chair of the IEEE’s Student Activities Committee. Mauro Togneri, a management consultant who has founded and led numerous tech companies, agrees that engineers can struggle with the transition, saying, “The focus has to shift to designing things…to managing people. And that’s usually a difficult shift.”
Consequently, Intel runs career development workshops for employees moving into management. “We try to teach them how to look at the big picture,” says Herrero. One common exercise in these workshops is to break participants into teams and provide each with a copy of the company’s publicly stated overall goals for the year. “Then we ask them to break that down into pieces, until they reach ‘What do I do every day, what e-mails do I answer, what meetings do I attend that help accomplish these goals?’ ”
Another focus of the workshops is to encourage participants to develop their networks with other managers within a company, because how you deliver to other teams will become a critical part of how your performance is measured

Размер файла: 15,9 Кбайт
Фаил: Упакованные файлы (.rar)


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