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Экзамен по Английскому языку. Билет№2

ID: 73884
Дата закачки: 06 Сентября 2012
Продавец: romaneniii (Напишите, если есть вопросы)
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Тип работы: Работа Экзаменационная
Форматы файлов: Microsoft Word
Сдано в учебном заведении: СибГУТИ

Билет №2

Задание: перевести текст на русский язык.

Satellite to deliver broadband Internet

Poland — Polish Phonesat, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Elektrim S.A., has leased three satellite transponders to Europe*Star, to deliver broadband Internet backbone connectivity and local distribution services to Poland.
Capacity demand will be split across both Europe*Star 1 and Europe*Star B satellites. Each transponder will carry asymmetrical Internet traffic to London to Polish Phonesat\'s hub near Warsaw, where it will be distributed to local ISPs, corporate clients, and users within the Elektrim group. In addition, the power and small dish characteristics of the Europe*Star 1 system will be used to

provide direct links to remote ISPs and may also be used for future VSAT applications within Poland.,
"We are very pleased to be delivering services into central Europe, especially with a player such as Polish Phonesat", stated Alain Roger, Europe*Star\'s president and ceo. "As a new satellite company, it is fulfilling to make a quick entry into the rapidly growing marketplace for Internet services within this region, and we look forward to further expansion."
Based in London, Europe*Star 1 is an inter-regional GEO (geostationary) satellite system launched in the latter half of last year - a joint venture between Alcatel Spacecom, and Loral Space & Communications. On station at 45° East, Europe*Star\'s 30, Ku-band transponders

have a footprint that embraces five of the world\'s major trading regions:
Europe; southern Africa; the Middle East; Indian Subcontinent; and South East Asia.
Positioned at 47.5° East, Europe*Star B is an alternative offering that will provide point-to-point Internet backbone links and satellite news gathering services.
"The high-power coverage over Poland was key in our choice of selecting Europe*Star," explained Krzysztof Spalinski, vp, Polish Phonesat.
"Coverage with such high power guarantees high quality transmission services to our customers while also offering access to the latest technology modulation schemes, enabling new and continued services for our customers."

Комментарии: Оценка:отлично

Размер файла: 14,9 Кбайт
Фаил: Упакованные файлы (.zip)


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