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150 Английский язык. Часть 2-я. Экзамен. Билет №5ID: 183330Дата закачки: 27 Сентября 2017 Продавец: Студенткааа (Напишите, если есть вопросы) Посмотреть другие работы этого продавца Тип работы: Билеты экзаменационные Форматы файлов: Microsoft Office Сдано в учебном заведении: ******* Не известно Описание: Билет №5 Задание 1. Выберите правильный ответ. 1. For information to be transmitted, it must be attached to a radio – frequency carrier wave. a. to be transmitted b. will be transmitted c. transmitted 2. Various installations are being used to transform electric power into mechanical and heat power. a. have been used b. are using c. are being used 3. The experiment is reported to be continued . a. reports b. is reporting c. is reported 4. A computer is known to possess four main parts. a. has been known b. is known c. knows 5. The atmosphere is proved to extend several hundred kilometers above the Earth. a. proves b. has been proved c. is proved 6. Transistor batteries were expected to be great use in systems that have to operate on weak signals, for example, in ultra-long-distance space communications. a. expected b. have been expected c. were expected 7. Materials having very high resistance are called insulators. a. having b. have c. are having 8. A cable conduit is an arrangement built in the ground. a. building b. is built c. built 9. Having performed calculations, a computer displays results. a. Having performed b. Performed c. Performing 10. A faulty cable running between two manholes is to be replaced. a. having run b. running c. runs 11. having been tested under different conditions, the devices were put to use. a. having been tested b. testing c. tested 12. The device being faulty, one cannot rely on its readings. a. is b. being c. to be 13. RAM stands for Random Access Memory, information being transferred into and out of any single byte of memory. a. being transferred b. transferred c. have transferred 14. Other factors being constant, the current is known to be directly proportional to conductivity. a. be b. being c. having been 18. A barometer is used for measuring the atmospheric pressure. a) measuring b) measures c) measurement 19. Is any metal capable of being drawn into a wire. a) drawing b) being drawn c) having drawn 20. We know the atmospheric pressure is decreasing as attitude increases. a) decreases b) is decreasing c) to decrease 21. Quantum electronics having been developed, it became possible to produce clock that measure time with an accuracy of one second per 300 years. a) having been developed b) have been developed c) being developed 22. Without the Sun there would be no light, no heat, no energy of any kind. a) will be b) would be c) will Задание 2. Сделать задание к тексту. Noise is a given in our everyday lives. From the moment the alarm clock buzzes or the garbage trucks rouse us, to the time we fall asleep despite the neighbor’s stereo, we accommodate noisy instructions. (4) Studies suggest that we pay a price for adapting to noise: higher blood pressure, heart rate, and adrenaline secretion- even after the noise stops; heightened aggression; impaired resistance to disease; a sense of helplessness. In terms of stress, unpredictability is an important factor. Studies suggest that when we can control noise, its effects are much less damaging. Although there are no studies on the effects of quiet in repairing the stress of noise, those who have studied the physiological effects of noise believe that quiet provides an escape. Most people who work in a busy and fairly noisy environment love quiet and need it desperately. We are so acclimated to noise that complete quiet is sometimes (14) unsettling. You might have trouble sleeping on vacation in the mountains, for example, without the background sounds of traffic. But making the effort to find quiet gives us a chance to hear ourselves think, to become attuned to the world around us, to find peacefulness and calm. (17) It provides a serene antidote to the intrusively loud world we live in the rest of the day. 1.. This passage mainly discusses ( A) life in the city (B) the effect of noise in our lives (C)diseases related to stress (D) why quiet is hard to find 2. We can infer to the passage that the author is writing for which group of people? (A) People who live in the country (B) Vacationers (C) City-dvellers (D) Doctors 3. What is the author’s attitude toward the noise in the passage? (A) Humorous (B) Critical (C) Emotional (D) Indifferent 4. According to the passage, noise causes all of the following EXCEPT (A) oversleeping (B) stress (C) higher blood pressure (D) heightened aggression 5. The author indicates in the passage that stress to noise occurs mainly (A) in the morning (B) when we can’t control it (C) in the mountains (D) to traffic 6. The phrase “pay a price for” in line 4 could best be replaced by which of the following? (A) suffer to (B) lose money because of (C) work hard (D) indulge in 7. The word “unsettling” in line 14 could best be replaced by which of the following? (A) rewarding (B) necessary (C) unavoidable (D) disturbing 8. The word “it” in line 17 refers to (A) peacefulness and calm (B) the world around us (C) quiet (D) thinking Комментарии: Уважаемый студент, дистанционного обучения, Оценена Ваша работа по предмету: Английский язык (часть 2) Вид работы: Экзамен Оценка:Хорошо Дата оценки: 04.05.2017 Рецензия: Экзаиенационная работа выполнена хорошо. Неверно выполнены задания 5 и 20 в первом задании. С уважением, Панова Юлия Владимировна Размер файла: 21,7 Кбайт Фаил: ![]()
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