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Зачетная работа. Английский язык. 1-й семестр

ID: 188418
Дата закачки: 01 Февраля 2018
Продавец: Spiritmad (Напишите, если есть вопросы)
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Тип работы: Работа Зачетная
Форматы файлов: Microsoft Word
Сдано в учебном заведении: ******* Не известно

1. Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a new technology that uses broadband Internet and network lines to transmit real-time voice information. This technology has the potential for completely changing the way phone calls are made and making phone companies a thing of the past.
2. To make a phone call on the Internet, several things must happen. On the sending side, analog voice signals are digitized, compressed, divided into packets and transmitted over network lines. On the receiving end, the signals are recombined, uncompressed and converted back into audio. Because the voice signals are digital, they can be transmitted just like any other data packets on a network. VoIP can be relatively inexpensive to implement, although costs rise as the complexity of the system increases.
3. There are currently several problems with this technology. If the computer or network lines fail, then telephone service is interrupted. Though the stability of computer hardware, operating systems and network infrastructure has improved significantly in the last decade, crashes still occur. The "up" time of these systems is still significantly less than with traditional phone systems - which often continue to function even during power outages. Another issue is that tracking the origin of a call is difficult because the signals are transmitted over the Internet. This is especially important to emergency responders to 911 calls. Caller ID service may not function either.
4. Additionally, devices that make calls using phone lines, such as fax machines, cable TV boxes, etc. may not function properly. Law enforcement officials may have difficulty wiretapping phone lines that use VoIP technology. Finally, the quality of VoIP service is lower than that of a traditional phone system. Since the information is transmitted over network lines, VoIP phone calls may break up, hesitate, or cause words to be dropped. All of these issues are being addressed and their significance should be eliminated over time.

Комментарии: Уважаемый студент, дистанционного обучения,
Оценена Ваша работа по предмету: Английский язык (часть 1)
Вид работы: Зачет
Дата оценки: 06.02.2018

Игнатова Екатерина Сергеевна

Размер файла: 19,8 Кбайт
Фаил: Microsoft Word (.docx)


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