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Билет №9 экзамен по Английскому языку ДО СИБГУТИ

ID: 196716
Дата закачки: 03 Декабря 2018
Продавец: romanovpavel (Напишите, если есть вопросы)
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Тип работы: Билеты экзаменационные

Билет №9

Задание 1. Выберите правильный ответ.

1. Today polymers ______ to as materials of vital importance.
a. refers b. are referred c. is referring

2. Much attention______now to the use of polymers because they have many desirable properties.
a. is being paid b. is paid c. was paid

3. I _____ never_____to London.
a. had visited b. was gone c. have been

4. Einstein was the physicist who_____ the theory of relativity.
a. developed b. has developed c. had developed

и тд

Задание 2. Прочтите текст и выполните задания к тексту

1. Interest in creating MEMS grew in the 1980s, but it took nearly two decades to establish the design and manufacturing infrastructure needed for their commercial development. One of the first products with a large market was the automobile air-bag controller, which combines inertia sensors to detect a crash and electronic control circuitry to deploy the air bag in response. In the late 1990s a new type of electronic projector was marketed that employed millions of micromirrors, each with its own electronic tilt control, to convert digital signals into images that rival the best traditional television displays.

2. Emerging products include mirror arrays for optical switching in telecommunications, semiconductor chips with integrated mechanical oscillators for radio-frequency applications (such as cellular telephones), and a broad range of biochemical sensors for use in manufacturing, medicine, and security.

3. A technical issue in MEMS fabrication concerns the order in which to build the electronic and mechanical components. High-temperature annealing is needed to relieve stress and warping of the polycrystalline-silicon layers, but it can damage any electronic circuits that have already been added. On the other hand, building the mechanical components first requires protecting these parts while the electronic circuitry is fabricated. Various solutions have been used, including burying the mechanical parts in shallow trenches prior to the electronics fabrication and then uncovering them afterward.

4. Barriers to further commercial penetration of MEMS include their cost compared with the cost of simpler technologies, nonstandardization of design and modeling tools, and the need for more reliable packaging. A current research focus is on exploring properties at nanometre dimensions for devices known as nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS). These devices, however, become increasingly sensitive to any defects arising to their fabrication.

Оценка: Отлично

Комментарии: 2018, ДО СИБГУТИ, ОЦЕНКА: ОТЛИЧНО

Размер файла: 59,5 Кбайт
Фаил: Microsoft Word (.doc)


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