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Онлайн Тест по дисциплине: Иностранный язык (английский) (часть 1).

ID: 234598
Дата закачки: 29 Марта 2023
Продавец: IT-STUDHELP (Напишите, если есть вопросы)
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Тип работы: Тесты
Форматы файлов: Microsoft Word
Сдано в учебном заведении: СибГУТИ

Вопрос №1
Telecommunications engineers … equipment used for transmitting wired phone, cellular, cable and broadband data.

design and install
are designing and installing
have designed and installed

Вопрос №2
New products … to the target audience before they entered the market.

were presented
had been presented

Вопрос №3
To be without … cell phone is unimaginable for many but it is a reality that we sometimes face as record numbers of handsets are lost or stolen.


Вопрос №4
Today … consumers think of telecommunications in terms of both products and services.


Вопрос №5
Which country celebrates the Independence Day on the 4th of July?

Вопрос №6
Составьте письмо, восстановив порядок фраз.

Dear Sirs,
I am writing in response to your advertisement in Sunday’s edition of the Times. I would like to apply for your position of programmer.
I am a graduate of the Siberian Telecommunications University, majoring in programming.
While at school I was obsessed with computer stuff. I assisted in the management of a twelve-member staff and kept records of the finances.
I believe that I have proper qualifications and experience for the position of a programmer in your company.
I have enclosed my CV and would be glad to supply any further information required.
I look forward to meeting you to discuss employment opportunities at The Sunshine Resort.
Yours faithfully, Lucy Cohen

Вопрос №7
… he ever kept secrets?


Вопрос №8
We … leave home earlier to be in time for the flight.

will be able to
will have to

Вопрос №9
What kind of sport is the Wimbledon Championship famous for?


Вопрос №10
I am used to living in the countryside.

Я привык жить в сельской местности.
Я пользуюсь тем, что живу в сельской местности.
Я живу в сельской местности.

Вопрос №11
Some important initiatives … to invert the dominant trend, offering alternatives with a view to ending digital exclusion.

are being implemented
will implement

Вопрос №12
Professionals in this field often … duties depending on the industry they work in.

is performing
have performed

Вопрос №13
Teenagers … computer games for years.

have played
are playing

Вопрос №14
Using multimedia for graphs and tables is now … way to present company results.

the best

Вопрос №15
What are the caps of the English Queen’s guards made of?

bear skin
sheep skin
deer skin

Вопрос №16
My first brother is five years … than me.


Вопрос №17
The telecommunications revolution … great growth in the amount and types of traffic so far.

have spawned
has spawned

Вопрос №18
Customer: __________________________
Secretary: Sorry, he is not in the office now.

Who is speaking?
Can I speak to Mr. Jacobs?
Hello! Is Peter in?
Hello! Where is your boss?

Вопрос №19
Devices … already… increasingly intelligent, and one characteristic of an intelligent system is that it can communicate.

has become
had become
have become

Вопрос №20
I’ll ask my line manager for … about the future investment.



Не нашли нужный ответ на тесты СибГУТИ? Пишите, пройду тест БЕСПЛАТНО!
Помогу с вашим онлайн тестом, другой работой или дисциплиной.

E-mail: sneroy20@gmail.com
E-mail: ego178@mail.ru

Размер файла: 77 Кбайт
Фаил: Microsoft Word (.docx)


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  Cодержание / Английский язык / Онлайн Тест по дисциплине: Иностранный язык (английский) (часть 1).
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