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Контрольная работа №1 по дисциплине: Английский язык (часть 3) - сибгути ДО

ID: 241267
Дата закачки: 14 Ноября 2023
Продавец: rostokw (Напишите, если есть вопросы)
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Тип работы: Работа Контрольная
Сдано в учебном заведении: ДО СИБГУТИ

сибгути ДО
Advertising Information. History of On line Advertising
On-line advertising provides a revenue stream for website owners and a promotion and marketing channel for advertisers. Built With can track on-line advertisers via there banner signatures embedded into a page. Most advertisers provide two channels, one for their advertising partners and one for their web site owning customers. There are many different web advertising companies, some very large such as Google provide text and image advertising and have huge markets, other smaller companies provide more niche advertising management. Google Ad sense is the most used advertising system found on Built With scanned sites, Double-Click, the second most tracked technology, was finally approved for purchase (by the FTC and EU) by Google in 2008 making Google control the majority of the non-search specific Internet advertising. On-line advertising, also known as on-line advertisement, Internet marketing, on-line marketing or e-marketing, is the marketing and promotion of products or services over the Internet. Examples of on-line advertising include contextual ads on search engine results pages, banner ads, blogs, rich media ads, social network advertising, interstitial ads, online classified advertising, advertising networks, dynamic banner ads, cross-platform ads and e-mail marketing, including e-mail spam. Many of these types of ads are delivered by an ad server. On-line advertising began in 1994 when Hot-Wired sold the first banner ads to several advertisers. Revenue in the United States grew to an estimated $7.1 billion in 2001 or about 3.1 percent of overall advertising spending. The dot-com bust destroyed or weakened many of the early on-line advertising industry players and reduced the demand for on-line advertising and related services. The industry regained momentum by 2004 as the business model for “Web 2.0” came together. A number of businesses emerged that facilitated the buying and selling of advertising space on web pages. Entities that operated web portals settled on the traditional “free-TV” model: generate traffic by giving away the content and sell that traffic to advertisers. Most web sites, with the exception of

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Размер файла: 23,3 Кбайт
Фаил: Microsoft Word (.docx)


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