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Modern Communications in Management (Ответы на тест СИНЕРГИЯ / МТИ / МОИ)

ID: 246518
Дата закачки: 24 Августа 2024
Продавец: AnastasyaM (Напишите, если есть вопросы)
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Тип работы: Тесты
Форматы файлов: Microsoft Word
Сдано в учебном заведении: МТИ МосТех МосАП МФПУ Синергия

Ответы на тест Modern Communications in Management - СИНЕРГИЯ, МОИ, МТИ.
Результат сдачи - 96-100 баллов.
Дата сдачи свежая.

Вопросы к тесту:
… is a type of discourse that makes up complex arguments and forms the basis of






Match the stage with its description:

A. Strategy implementation

B. Strategy control

C. Organizational analysis

D. Strategy formation

E. During this phase, the allocated resources are placed into action based on their roles and responsibilities

F. Evaluate the effectiveness of implemented strategies using defined metrics

G. Examine, understand, and codify what internal and external forces affect their business and goals

H. Develop strategy, outlining how the company will achieve its goals and how

Put these parts of the IMRaD structure in order :

Match the term with its definition:

A. Ethnocentrism

B. Polychronic

C. Uncertainty avoidance

D. Individualism

E. the view that a persons own culture is central and other cultures are measured in relation to it

F. many times — people can do several things at the same time

G. how much uncertainty a society or culture is willing to accept

H. the degree to which a culture tends to put individual needs ahead of group or collective needs

… is NOT a function of academic languagE.





… is the lifelong interactional processes of perceiving and experiencing culture as

triggered to the outside, shaped to the inside in ones mind, and co-created with others in interaction

Read the case study and select the correct answer (there is only one correct answer): In some cultures, what counts most is self-realization. Initiating alone, sweating alone, achieving alone — not necessarily collective efforts — are what win applausE. In other cultures, group goals take precedence over individuals goals. Rather than giving priority to me, the us identity predominates. Of paramount importance is pursuing the common goals, beliefs, and values of the group as a wholE. Question: Manifestation of which culture dimension is described here?



Long-term orientation

Read the case study and select the correct answer (there is only one correct answer): You are leading tough negotiations with your foreign colleagues. You feel that youre losing ground and tensions start to risE. Everyone wants to finish and go home as soon as possible but you still havent come to any conclusion. Sometimes it feels as if youre speaking a completely different language even though youre all fluent in EnglisH. Question: Is there anything else you can do in this situation? We should just end collaboration with these people – its impossible to reach agreement with them so theres no point in contunuing the conversation.

Youre an expert negotiator so you just need to keep pushing until they see your point and agree to your terms.

It would be the most useful to focus completely on the speaker and give them your full

attention. You might learn something new and make progress.

Read the case study and select the correct answer (there is only one correct answer):…

discourse is generally associated with business and the workplacE. It includes more

specialized terminology, with vocabulary specific to the topic at hanD. … discourse requires

a somewhat more elevated style of speech, focusing on professionalism and respect in a work

environment. Question: What type of discourse is meant here?




Read the case study and select the correct answer (there is only one correct answer):For the past few months youve been working on implementing a new strategy across several departments. For the first couple of weeks, everything was fine and the team work was great – everyone knew what they were doing, all the goals and responsibilities were clear. But now it seems that all the deadlines are going to be misseD. Youre trying to figure out what went wrong and fix it. What step of strategy implementation did you miss?

Goal setting

Determining roles and responsibilities

Providing continued support and monitoring progress regularly

Read the case study and select the correct answer (there is only one correct answer):One of your colleagues is presenting a new strategy, outlining the steps hes carried out on his way to develop it: goal setting, strategy formation, project planning. Something is missing to his steps. What is it?

Strategy implementation

Organizational analysis

ROI calculation

A type of non-verbal communication is …



Eye contact


Match each word with its definition:

A. Feedback

B. Receiver

C. Encoding

D. Message

E. the idea that the receiver confirms to the sender that he or she has received the conveyed message, and understood it

F. the person who is last in the whole chain of command and for whom the message is encoded and sent by the sender

G. implies converting information into a particular form

H. something that is communicated

An element of cross-cultural communication is …



body language


An organization must first establish clear, realistic …

Choose two questions that you might keep in mind when analyzing and discussing your results :

How do your results relate to previous reasearch?

Why is your study important?

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the study?

What evidence do you still missing?

Cultural diversity contributes to gaining competitive advantage in the following ways (Choose 3 correct answers):

Improves market insights

Enhances teamwork

Supports a positive reputation

Increases globalization

Fill in the blank: … is the manner in which the encoded message is transmitted

In the … section you should account for your results in an objective manner, without interpreting them





In this part of your essay or paper you should fulfill your aim and account for what you have found in your study





Match the instructions with types of academic writing:

A. analyze, compare, contrast, relate, and examine.

B. critique, debate, disagree and evaluate.

C. argue, evaluate, discuss, and take a position

D. identify, report, record, summarize and define.

E. Analytical

F. Critical

G. Persuasive

H. Descriptive

… communication style is hostile, threatening, and comes to a place of wanting to win

at all costs





… implies pronouncing some words, phrases, sentences with some meaning

… implies understanding the differences among people to other countries and societies

… is a degree of competition among existing firms.

Industry rivalry

Threat of substitutes

Barriers to entry

Competitive advantage

... is a general term for discussion and speech





… is a level of our feelings, the degree of our voice





Put in the correct order:

Put the words in order to make a sentence:

Put the words in the correct order to form a sentence:

ROI stands for …

Something you should definitely do when communicating cross-culturally:

Speak fast

Talk a lot

Make jokes

Avoid slang

The … model implies that there is only one logical way to perform tasks





The … of academic communication is to advance knowledge within your academic

The 7 Cs of communication are …

a set of guidelines for efficient written and spoken communication

what prevents us to correctly getting and accepting the messages

how we communicate information and create experiences

interactive communication involving two people or more

These elements could also be considered a part of IMRaD structure… (choose 2 correct answers)



Research questions


This type of writing provides the reader with specific information and direction to

perform a task.





Types of visual communication are … (choose 3 correct answers)





Match the letter of the SWOT abbreviation with the word that it denotes:

A. S of SWOT

B. T of SWOT

C. W of SWOT

D. O of SWOT

E. strengths

F. threats

G. weaknesses

H. opportunities

Read the case study and select the correct answer (there is only one correct answer):The first benefit of … communication relates to retention. When a reader takes in information in a … format, there is a greater likelihood that they will create a long-term memory associated with it. The second benefit of strong … communication is that it supports reading comprehension and memory at the time the material is being consumeD. Question: What type of communication is meant here?

Verbal communication

Visual communication

Non-verbal communication

Read the case study and select the correct answer (there is only one correct answer):You have written an essay for one of your courses, but your professor has returned it to you with a note that it is not university-level and that you need to work on your structurE. Question:

What do you need to change in your essay?

Be more analytical – re-organize facts and information, name the relationships and create


Find other facts and information to present in the essay, instead of the ones you already havE.

Think of your life experiences that relate to the topic and provide them as evidence for your arguments. Read the case study and select the correct answer (there is only one correct answer):Your friend is getting ready for an important job interview and comes to you for recommendations. He is typically shy and closed-off but very experienced and could definitely bring value to the company hes applying for. What would you recommend, how should he prepare for the interview?

Let your experience speak for itselF. If they dont understand to your CV that you could be very valuable for the company, then this position is not for you. Short answers to the interviewers questions are completely okay, too.

Before the interview, focus on feeling confident – this will help your face and posture look

confident as well. During the interview, try to angle yourself towards the person – this way theyll

engage with you more – and maintain eye contact.

You dont really need to prepare mucH. Youre very experienced, you just need to dress sharply and sound confident and loud to prove to the interviewer that youre smarter than them.

… is the process of setting goals, procedures, and objectives in order to make a company or organization more competitive

Academic management

Operational management

Strategic implementation

Strategic management

… is when a culture tends to take a multi-generational view when making decisions about the present and the future

High long-term orientation

High individualism

High indulgence

High power distance

… plans go into the nitty gritty of project work and include drawing and specification lists, detailed flow charts and procedure manuals





A stage of cross-cultural development is …


Cultures impact on business

Strategic implementation


Put the words in order to make a sentence:

Put the words in the correct order to form a sentence:

Размер файла: 28,2 Кбайт
Фаил: Microsoft Word (.docx)


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