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Английский язык. Контрольная работа. Вариант №4.

ID: 143176
Дата закачки: 20 Мая 2014
Продавец: medvedka55 (Напишите, если есть вопросы)
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Тип работы: Работа Контрольная
Форматы файлов: Microsoft Word

Контрольное задание по Английскому языку
Задание В2

Установите соответствие заголовков A — G текстам 1—6. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1. Safe, comfortable and, above all, green. Electric-powered cars will not produce any substances which are dangerous for either people or the environment. In 10—20 years all cars will have their own built-in computers. These computers will help choose the best way to go and avoid accidents. You can even sit back and let the computer do the driving!
2. As you know personal computers use a lot of power. In fact, with their printers and monitors, computers in the USA use each year as much electricity as the whole state of Oregon. Not to waste electricity, new "green" computers are being developed by more than a hundred personal computer firms in the USA. When left on but unused for more than a few minutes, they go down to a standby, using 80 per cent less energy. At a command the PCs return to full power.
3. Nowadays, people working in offices use computers, which contain hundreds of documents. Do you know how much space these documents would take up, if they were printed on paper? They\'d occupy whole rooms! In many offices computers are linked in a network. This way, employees can exchange information and messages without moving to their tables.
4. Technology has allowed more and more people to work to the place where they live. Using a modem on a telephone line connected to their computer, everyone can be linked to the company computer. In this way, they don\'t waste so much time, because they don\'t have to go to the office every day. It also means less pollution in the atmosphere caused by transport.
5. Good-bye, pencils! Farewell, sheets of paper! These days cartoons are being made with a computer. The first-ever cartoon to be created by computer was "Toy Story" produced by Steve Jobs. A typical Walt Disney cartoon usually needs up to 600 designers. "Toy Story" was made using only 100. So, like so much of modern life, today\'s cinema seems to be falling more and more into the hands of the computer.
6. If someone asked you about the negative aspects of a computer game, probably the first thing that would come to your mind is that it isolates a person to other people. Now the first virtual reality computer game has appeared which can be played in a group of 6 people at the same time. The game is called "The Loch Ness Expedition". Each player is given a role in the underwater expedition. Players have to cooperate to achieve the goal.

Задание В3

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1— 6 частями предложений А — G. Одна из частей в списке А — G лишняя. Перенесите ответы в таблицу.

Before the invention of the internal combustion engine, the only successful human flights were in balloons filled with hot air or a gas like hydrogen which is "lighter than air". But balloons cannot be properly controlled in flight 1) _______ . Not until man had invented a powered, "heavier than air" machine could he claim to have conquered the skies. Steam-engines were often tried in the nineteenth century, but they were much too heavy in relation to the power they produced. It was the lighter, more compact petrol engine 2) _______ .
Wilbur and Orville Wright were bicycle-makers to Dayton in the USA. In 1903, after carefully studying the problems of flight, they fitted a wooden glider with a twelve horse-power petrol engine and two propellers driven by bicycle chains. On a cold morning in December at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, they became the first men to fly a "heavier than air" machine.
The British were slow to respond to the new invention. Five years went by 3) _______ . In 1909, when the "Daily Mail" offered ?1000 for the first man to fly the Channel, it was won by a Frenchman, Louis, Bleroits. However, when the First World War broke out, five years later, the vast majority of the population had not yet seen an aeroplane. The military possibilities of aircraft were quickly realized, 4) _______ .
For the first time planes were mass produced to standard parts.
The extent of the progress made during the war was shown in 1919, when two Royal Air Force officers, John Alcock and Arthur Whitten-Brown, made the first flight across the Atlantic. They covered the 1890 miles to Newfoundland to Ireland at an average speed of 118 m.p.h., battling all the way against fog, ice and storms. At one point, Brown had to climb on the wings to hack away ice with a knife. In August of the same year, the world\'s first daily air service began, 5) _______ . By 1923 Croydon Airport, in Surrey, was handling up to thirty cross-channel flights a day. A high standard of safety and reliability was achieved, 6) _______ .

A. carrying goods and passengers between London and Paris.
B. so the war led to a rapid development of aviation.
C. that lasted only fifty-nine seconds.
D. that held the key to success.
E. although the journey was slow and bumpy.
F. before the first powered flight was made in England.
G. because they are at the mercy of the wind and air-currents.

Задания A15-A21

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания А15 - А21, обводя цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа.

Our province has not always been a dead place, entirely unknown to fame, as it is today. Long ago, the people to all the farms within 20 miles brought us their crops of grain to grind. To right and left, one could see nothing but the sails turning about in the wind above the huge pine trees, and long strings of little donkeys loaded with bags climbing the hills and stretching out along the roads.
On Sundays, we went to the mills in groups. The millers treated us to wine, and we danced until it was pitch-dark. Those mills, you see, were the pleasure and wealth of our province. Then some Frenchman to Paris got the idea of setting up a steam flourmill on the road to Tarascon, and the people fell into the habit of sending their grain there, and the poor windmills were left without work. We saw no more strings of little donkeys. No more wine! No more dancing!
But one little mill continued to turn bravely on its hill. That was Master Cornille\'s mill. The Master was an old miller who was crazy over his trade. Then the old man shut himself up in his mill, and lived alone like a wild beast. He wouldn\'t even keep with him his granddaughter Vivette, a child of 15. Since the death of her parents, she had no one but her grandfather in the world. The poor child had to hire herself out among the farms for the harvest or the olive picking. And yet, her grandfather seemed to love the child dearly. He often traveled eight miles on foot to see her at the farm where she was working. When he was with her, he would pass hours at a time gazing at her and weeping. They were tears of grief for the girl.
There was something in Master Cornille\'s life we couldn\'t understand. For a long time, no one in the village had brought him any grain, and yet the sails of his windmill were always in motion as before. In the evenings, people met the old miller on the roads, driving before him his donkey loaded with fat bags of flour. If any one asked where so much work could come to, he would put a finger to his lips and answer gravely: "Hush! I am working for export." No one could get anything more to him. Everyone had his own explanation of Master Cornille\'s secret. But the general report was that there were even more bags of silver in the mill than bags of grain.
After a while, however, everything came to light. One day I found out that my eldest boy and Vivette had fallen in love with each other. So I went up to the mill to say a word to the grandfather. Ah! You should have seen how he received me! It was impossible for me to get him to open his door. I explained my reasons through the keyhole. The old man didn\'t give me time to finish, but shouted that if I was in such a hurry to get my boy married, I could go and look for a girl at the steam mill. The blood went to my head when I heard such rough talk.
I returned to inform the children of my treatment. They decided to speak to the grandfather themselves. When they reached the mill, Master Cornille had gone out. The door was locked, but the old fellow had left his ladder outside. Suddenly it occurred to the children to go in by the window.
The main room of the mill was empty. Not a sack, not a particle of grain, not the slightest trace of the silver which had been spoken a lot about, not the slightest trace of flour on the walls or on the spider webs. The lower room had the same look of poverty and neglect: a few rags, a crust of bread, and in a cor-ner three sacks, which had burst, with rubbish and plaster sticking out. That was Master Cornille\'s secret! It was that plaster that he paraded at night on the roads, to save the honor of the mill and to make people think that he made flour there. Poor mill! Poor Cornille! Long ago the steam millers had robbed him of his last customer. The sails still turned, but the mill ground nothing.

A15 According to the narrator, the province used to be famous for
1) rich harvests of grain.
2) large territories of pine woods.
3) a large number of windmills.
4) a great number of little donkeys.

A16 When a steam mill was set up on the road to Tarascon
1) the farmers felt resentful and angry.
2) the windmills were pulled down.
3) the local millers refused to work for its owner.
4) the people\'s lifestyle became less enjoyable.

A17 Vivette worked on farms because
1) she had to provide for herself.
2) she had no wish to live with her grandfather.
3) her grandfather needed money badly.
4) she preferred picking olives to working at a mill.

A18 Master Cornille would look at Vivette for hours and cry because he felt
1) pity for the girl.
2) lonely without her.
3) sorry he couldn\'t see her often enough.
4) that people were cruel to her.

A19 People of the village were curious to know
1) if the Master was really working for export.
2) where the Master got the grain to have his mill working.
3) how many bags of silver there were in his mill.
4) what the bags on his donkey were full of.

A20 The Master talked to the narrator roughly because he might have been
1) afraid that the narrator would get into his mill.
2) angry with the narrator for using the steam mill.
3) sure that the narrator\'s son was a bad match for Vivette.
4) in a hurry to finish his work.

A21 When the young couple got into the mill they realized that the Master
1) was a miser who lived on a crust of bread.
2) used his mill as a hiding place for his silver.
3) was an untidy and careless person.
4) was suffering because the days of windmills had passed.

Задания В4-В10

Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В4 — В10, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы В4 — В10.

Frightening News
It was March, and Mr Utterson B4 by the fire after dinner, when he was surprised to receive a visit to the B5 servant. The old man looked pale and frightened.
"Mr Utterson," he said, "something is wrong."
"Sit down by the fire and tell me all about it."
"The doctor B6 himself up in his study this morning, sir."
"That is quite usual, surely," said Mr Utterson.
"He often B7 himself away to the world."
"Yes, but this time it\'s different, sir. It frightens B8 , sir. I just can\'t go on any longer."
He stopped and stood silently, B9 down at the floor.
"Try and tell me," said Mr Utterson gently.
"Something terrible B10 to my master now. Please, sir, can you come with me and see for yourself?"
At once Mr Utterson fetched his coat and hat.


Задания B11-B16

Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В11 — В16, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы В11 — В16.

A Strange Will
After dinner that evening the lawyer went into his office and B11 a cupboard. He took out an envelope. It contained the doctor\'s will, and was written in his own handwriting.
"If I die, or if I B12 for more than three months," the will began, "I wish to leave everything I own to my dear friend Edward Jackson."
To the lawyer it was an B13 and dangerous kind of will. It was bad enough when Edward Jackson was only an B14 name, but now that the lawyer knew something about Jackson, the will worried him more than ever.
It had seemed like B15 before, now it began to seem B16 .
With a heavy heart he replaced the envelope in the cupboard.


Задания А22 - А28

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами А22 - А28. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям А22 - А28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.
A Happy Family

Elizabeth was forty-one when Annie was born. Her son Tommy was ten by then and he was a great kid.
He A22 _______ well in school, he played basketball with the Little League and he was the star of the ice hockey team every winter. He was a good boy, doing everything he was A23 _______ to do, and still there was enough mischief in him to reassure his parents that he was normal.
Tommy was by no means the perfect child, but he was really a good boy. He had a good A24 _______ of humour and a fine mind, and after the initial shock, he seemed to A25 _______ to the idea of having a baby sister. And for the past five years, since she\'d been born, he thought the sun rose and set on Annie. She was a little thing with a giggle that rang out in the house every time she and Tommy were together.
She waited A26 _______ for him to come home to school every day, and then they sat eating cookies and drinking milk in the kitchen.
Elizabeth had changed to substitute teaching, instead of working full-time after Annie was born. And now she helped with the art program at the kindergarten that Annie A27 _______ . They were together constantly. Their lives were a warm place, where all the family felt sheltered to the kinds of things that happened to other people. Elizabeth A28 _______ easily that they were blessed, and the children gave her all the joy that she had hoped and expected.

1) was
2) did
3) made
4) moved

1) considered
2) admitted
3) supposed
4) believed

1) feeling
2) sensation
3) sensibility
4) sense

1) adjust
2) adapt
3 )fit
4) accept

1) unwillingly
2) restlessly
3) reluctantly
4) anxiously

1) visited
2) attended
3) joined
4) went

1) suggested
2) proposed
3) admitted
4) agreed

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