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300 Английский язык, Экзамен, 3-й семестрID: 163413Дата закачки: 21 Февраля 2016 Продавец: Nastena0807 (Напишите, если есть вопросы) Посмотреть другие работы этого продавца Тип работы: Работа Экзаменационная Форматы файлов: Microsoft Word Сдано в учебном заведении: ДО СИБГУТИ Описание: Текст № 1 GLOBAL INNOVATION MANAGEMENT IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY ГЛОБАЛЬНЫЕ ИННОВАЦИИ В СФЕРЕ МЕНЕДЖМЕНТА В ОЛАСТИ БЕСПРОВОДНОЙ КОММУНИКАЦИИ M. Hosein Fallah, Ph.D. Wesley J. Howe School of Technology Management Stevens Institute of Technology Hoboken, NJ 07030 201-216-5018 hfallah@stevens-tech.edu Thomas G. Lechler, Ph.D. Wesley J. Howe School of Technology Management Stevens Institute of Technology Hoboken, NJ 07030 201-216-8174 tlechler@stevens-tech.edu Комментарии: Abstract: Companies competing in global markets are facing the challenge to globalize their innovation processes. They need to identify new market needs and to access evolving markets around the globe. Leaving those markets unchallenged to competitors could impact their home markets. To serve these markets with innovative products they have to simultaneously identify, access and develop new technological know-how all over the globe. Today many countries are investing heavily in technology related research to support their industries. Hence important new technological know-how is no longer limited to US, Europe and Japan. R&D leaders and researchers struggle to understand global innovation competence and its impact on their business. This paper analyzes global innovation competence in the Wireless Communication Industry. It is no accident that industry leaders lost their leadership positions within just a few years. The authors examine the industry evolution in this context and discuss the basic problems of the need to implement processes supporting innovations in a global setting. Wireless communications companies are competing more and more on the basis of their competence to innovate on the global level. This competence requires many different skills. Strategies, organizational structures and effective processes are needed to access and integrate geographically dispersed knowledge in order to maximize the global innovation competence. It also requires a capability to manage the relationships between culturally diverse institutions, including standards and regulatory bodies, and knowledge/technology clusters and their interactions. Keywords: Global, innovation management, wireless technology ________________________________________________ Работа сдана в 2015 году. За работу получена оценка "отлично". Перевод сделан без использования гугл-переводчика, вручную. Преподаватель в комментариях к оценке указала, что работа выполнена очень качественно и хорошо. Работа состоит из 36 страниц. Вся статья была переведена полностью. Работа выполнялась по профилю "Сети связи и системы коммутации" магистратуры. Более подробно условия заданий можно узнать, написав на электронную почту: vdiplomke.kz@mail.ru. Могу выполнить Ваше задание. Размер файла: 178,2 Кбайт Фаил: ![]()
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