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Контрольная работа по дисциплине: Английский язык

ID: 208538
Дата закачки: 02 Апреля 2020
Продавец: IT-STUDHELP (Напишите, если есть вопросы)
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Тип работы: Работа Контрольная
Форматы файлов: Microsoft Word

I. Read and translate the text.

Legal Writing: an overview

In many legal settings specialized forms of written communication are required. In many others, writing is the medium in which a lawyer must express their analysis of an issue and seek to persuade others on their clients’ behalf. Any legal document must be concise, clear, and conform to the objective standards that have evolved in the legal profession.

There are generally two types of legal writing. The first type requires a balanced analysis of a legal problem or issue. Examples of the first type are inter¬office memoranda and letters to clients. To be effective in this form of writing, the lawyer must be sensitive to the needs, level of interest and background of the parties to whom it is addressed. A memorandum to a partner in the same firm that details definitions of basic legal concepts would be inefficient and an annoyance. In contrast, their absence to a letter to a client with no legal background could serve to confuse and complicate a simple situation.

The second type of legal writing is persuasive. Examples of this type are appellate briefs and negotiation letters written on a client’s behalf. The lawyer must persuade his or her audience without provoking a hostile response through disrespect or by wasting the recipient\'s time with unnecessary information. In presenting documents to a court or administrative agency he or she must conform to the required document style. The drafting of legal documents, such as contracts and wills, is yet another type of legal writing. Guides are available to aid a lawyer in preparing the documents but a unique application of the "form" to the facts of the situation is often required. Poor drafting can lead to unnecessary litigation and otherwise injure the interests of a client.

VI. Translate the following

Международный договор имеет, как правило, обязательную юридическую силу для государств – его участников. Договоры в письменной форме закрепляют международно-правовые нормы, что свидетельствует о преимуществе договорной формы закрепления норм международного уголовного права в сравнении с обычными нормами.

Комментарии: Помогу с вашим вариантом, другой работой или дисциплиной.
E-mail: sneroy20@gmail.com

Размер файла: 17,3 Кбайт
Фаил: Microsoft Word (.docx)


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